10 November, 2005

happy famous artists

I've been following and enjoying the 'happy famous artists' blog for a while now, and being happy to see that these famous artists are currently exhibiting in amsterdam at the Aschenbach & Hofland Galleries, went and checked it out. The exhibition included one work comprising a series of canvases machine embroidered with philosophical coprporate logos. The babelfish translation of the gallery essay below, discusses this work. There was also a wall sculpture wherein Christ meets Freud and is asked about his relationship with his father. I hope you enjoy the text as much as I enjoyed the exhibition.

happy famous artists:

In a range work of the artistic two-high rolling mill happy Famous Artists (HFA) logos of well-known (trademarks/logos) marks are replaced names of philosophers. The artists make with that a number of objections concerning philosophy and the place of philosophy in our post-modern consumption society which is dominated by the Internet. Ironically enough uses them no hyper-geavanceerde laserprint techniques for the implementation of their work but opt them for in-depth embroidery. Moreover the logos have been embroidered on doek (canvas) so that the work seems on a contemporary version of medieval, Flemish partition paintings.

The association between mark Article and philosophers indicates that the philosopher is reduced to a mark, a phenomenon that also occurs in literature and the cinema. Thus one it has concerning "the last Sontag" where the title of the specific work is not even mentioned but only the name of the author as a quality assurance. Hitchcock stand for suspense, for for alienation and Nietzsche for a healthy amount misantropie. Thus a complex oeuvre is reduced up to a couple kernlemma's or catchy citaat that must cover the complete cargo. The complete Tractatus Logico - Philosophicus of Wittgenstein are reduced to the very well known citaat: "about which one cannot speak, one must be silent." Some aspects of a oeuvre are over-exposed whereas other are hushed up or are filtered. Is cite selectioneren. One uses what one has necessary and one throws the rest overboard because of too difficult or unusable. And this way bowl one to light version of the philosophical thinking. In imitation of "coca - cola light" is there also "Wittgenstein light". This is a central work that the general topic of this serial well summarises.

In contrast to vogue Article philosophy something must be timeless. Philosophy must answer (zijns)vragen which is of all times. But philosophy proves be also liable to vogue phenomena and grilling the time spirit. Some philosophers are a period certain during very hip (think we of Marcuse during May ` 68) but end up afterwards what in forgetting.

Students are stimulated critically to think but or with the same philosophers with which their professoren adore such as frame of reference. To art academies and universities always the same names are repeated. Hippe theories for example "gender roles" or "alteriteit" are ruminated blindly (see logo of sport life with the name of Newton). The ideal of critical thinks has gradually proceeded in axioms where one can unsew not to. One is not assumed to launch new, revolutionary theories but simply to reproduce knowledge.

Descartes ' "cogito ergo sum" (your pense donc you rustle) become in our consumption society omgebuigd to "I shop therefore I are". People buy to mark attire to show who them are, to belong if to a group to distance itself of another group. The same one can say concerning gehypte philosophers whom one cites to the university to vervelens. There its universities where one adores where with Freud and other one swears at Lacan just like some young people on the street flaunt with Nike whereas others buy to run with their Cum A. Adorno are a just as popular mark to the university as Adidas on the street. Some people want emphasise their individuality by buying a certain mark. If everyone buys that mark, it is no longer an expression of individualiteit but becomes it a uniform. This massificatie - or depersonalisation process of course also takes place in the academic or journalistic world. Always to the same sources refer unique "lead to" drawer pensée.

Citaten or winged words which are jerked from their context can lead their own life. By citing someone one indeed uses the exact words but is drawn as the citaat from the context, one can give easily another interpretation. Thereby is do not cite this way innocent or without engagement such as initial seems. A confessed example of it is the ideal of the Übermensch, postulated by Nietzsche. Nietzsche resisted themselves against Jewish - Christian belief that he with its doctrine of passive suffering too found weakness. He preferred an active alternative crystallised in the form of the Übermensch. That Übermensch ideal was hijacked shamelessly by nazi regime and got another interpretation. Nietzsch's fascinatie for Apollinische, energetic and virile by the logo of energy drink are illustrated save Bull to replace by its name.

The citaat is of extremely importance in the postmodernisme. The sceptical postmodernisme stands suspicious compared with the large tales and prefers fragments above welomlijnde, being certain theory. The belief in the cultus of originality has taken off. One can no longer and for this reason will make an unique art work revert, cites and recycles to other work which one places in a new context. Thus a post-modern novel is a fabric of references and references who contract the dialogue with other work. Sometimes it concerns explicit citaten but generally are it discreet references to other texts. Gérard Genette compare a novel thus with palimpsest: under every text several layers of previous texts sit. Umberto Eco describe world literature as an one large grabbelton of citaten. Intertekstualiteit, referring to other texts, are thus one of its stokpaardjes. Those references echoes are also sometimes called. Hence that HFA the name Eco on the icon of recyclage sticks material. The logo of herbruikbare packing can be compared perfectly with Eco's theory concerning intertekstualiteit.

Where one looked up an answer in former days in philosophy or in religion (zijns)vragen, zoekt one present its heil in the zoekmotoren of the Internet. Internet offers an answer on already our questions. It is thus not occasional that a lot refers logos in the serial to computer programmes or zoekmotoren. Thus the logo of eBay is replaced by the name Dewey. Beside the field "what are you looking for" stand filled in "certainty". The search for certainty is a constant in human living. On the Internet one is never certain if the sources 100% are reliable. In logocentrische religions on the other hand the saint book stands central. It are the words of god which are litterally written down and where one can doubt therefore not to. The book is dé truth and above all criticism has been raised. This is not the case at Internet. The gebruiksvriendelijkheid of the medium lead to a stormvloed of publications. The negative consequence of it is however that one is never certain if a text is written by an expert or a dilettant. This leads to the paradox that one consults immediate Internet at a case of doubt, whereas one is in fact never entirely certain of the reliability. That obsessieve search for dé truth remains difficult in our society since one uses frequently of onbetrouwbaar a medium (Internet) or of sources which have coloured frequently subjective (the media, universities).

In a another work the logo of Google is replaced by the name of the American thinker Chomsky. Chomsky are a prominent left - passes intellectual that always at strijde against the dominating conceptions of through large - capital sent think. The regular American press is abused shamelessly lobby groups and powerful corporations. Chomsky indicate on the information which is not taken into consideration in the media and tries this way expose the power mechanisms behind the discours. Thus he an alternative browser has become and dé reference for people who do not come to their appetites in the mainstream press. The number left on the Internet to its name is inconceivable. By its fight against the establishment he himself an institute has become. Computer marks also several or control systems undergo a transformation. The motto of IBM with the heading "intell inside" has been replaced by "squares, moral inside", with a fat knipoog to his categorical imperatief. According to side you must act exactly this way such as you desire of the others. In our post-modern, individualistic era become normalising judgements as a threat to our itself development experience or as an attack on our individual freedom. For the years ` 60 moralisme a dirty word which a inheritance "has been prohibited prohibit of" the thinking, has become. That the history in cycles goes, the return of standards proves - and value notion in the Netherlands of Balkenende with slogans such as "decency must do you!"

The character type for the hippe Macintosh programme is replaced by the name Marx. Marx, the preacher of Communism, were a citizen male who was labelled by some as a fair Socialist. Thus Macintosh also the programme for everyone is who considers itself as an alternative and gladly in art rings stays. MacIntosch are popular at bobo's (bohémiens-bourgeois) who visit the neighbours themselves preferably in valid, popular establish as a result of which the rents increase zienderogen.

In a another work the name Microsoft is replaced Machiavelli. The philosophy of Machiavelli is frequently summarised as: "the aim sanctifies the resources". The same can be said of the Microsoft monopoly of Bill Gates. In its noble pursuit to relieve them bringing data processing people, he sweeps the laws of the competition to its laars. Gates are the most generous donor for good work in the world and therefore can not be sincere intentions in doubt be drawn. Except by means of Internet one also zoekt to answers in aid books. The genre exists already age-long but Alain the Botton passed on a new direction it work such as "How Proust can change your life" or "status Anxiety". It has been written philosophy tailored, an indicator which us must accompany confused and chaotic life in us. Hence the reference to Michelin and the comment: "Philosophy, a guide to happiness". A slogan which is appropriate for the complete serial. - Sam Steverlynck -



see more samples of their work at galeries.nl

1 comment:

john said...

The blog you have posted has been very useful to me. It has provided me with all essential details about the famous artists that are available of late.

Famous Contemporary Artists