14 May, 2008

Arrow - Aust. Research Online

Welcome to the ARROW Discovery Service - where you can search Australia’s research repositories. The service is provided by the National Library of Australia.

Currently, more than half of Australian universities have public research repositories, which can be simultaneously searched through this site.

While the specific open access policies will vary between universities, these repositories offer a vehicle for researchers to make their work publicly available. Researchers deposit a digital copy of their work, along with some descriptive information, into the repository.

Most of the items discoverable through the site will have a digital copy available, although some may not yet have a file attached, and others may have access restricted.

It is anticipated that all Australian universities will develop repositories in the next two years, and the service will grow to offer a comprehensive search of Australian research output. The research itself may be in any form - published or unpublished; text, image or dataset; historical or current.

The National Library of Australia is keen to include as many sources of Australian research as possible. The service also searches several other collections of Australian research, including Australian Policy Online, and Australasian Digital Theses Program.

Welcome to the ARROW Discovery Service - where you can search 156,221 Australian research outputs, including theses; preprints; postprints; journal articles; book chapters; music recordings and pictures.


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