12 November, 2007

the blog as art

art + blog = blogart?

The show a+b=ba? makes the attempt to present a variety of different aspects of how artists use a “blog” for artistic purposes, and it is up to the user to find out how to estimate it.

It remains an attempt and even rather an experiment, since the purpose of a “blog” as a new form of an artwork is, once initiated, to be ongoing, to be run as an ongoing process, which may be temporarily limited or even have an open undefined end.

Depending on the artistic conception, the artist himself does in many cases not know, where this process is leading to. What is visually perceivable to a user or viewer can be always just the snapshot of the very moment, but it does sometimes not even give an idea of what is happening next. Since a “blog” allows different types of authorships, often the artist remains actually just in the position of initiating a process.

As a collaborative work, a “blog” may even have developments on different levels of time, users and perception, and in this way, as an artistic manifestation it can be also seen as a new form of Internet based art, a consequent further development to an artwork which does not need and is not based on an expressively defined authorship.


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